Hello Business Leader,

I believe many of us have recently experienced a disruption in the way we live and work. How are you adapting to WFH (Working From Home)? Change is here and things may not go back to the way they were. The way we transition into this new lifestyle will empower us for the new normal, post COVID-19.

I have 5 simple ways to help you enjoy focus, freedom and fulfillment in these challenging times and beyond.


Change is good. It breaks down the old structure, while providing us a new scope. Challenges help us uncover our incredible human potentials. To overcome panic, doubt, anxiety, negative thoughts and those responses that can negatively impact your productive thinking, you must embrace and express gratitude for this new lifestyle. Refrain from saying things like “I’m stuck at home.” or “I’m stuck with my kids”. or “This sucks!”


Your decision making, planning and time management skills might be severely impacted by this change if you don’t establish boundaries. Clearly, you now have to carry out most of your daily activities in the same space because of the new lifestyle guidelines by the authorities. Don’t mix time for work with time for relationships or time for household chores with time for self care. Determine what happens when. Encourage your household members to do same.

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No doubt, your old schedules may have been altered. You may now have to handle some tasks you once outsourced. It’s time to get innovative and create a new routine that factors in the current change in your lifestyle. For work: find new ways to attend to clients and members of your team. For other aspects of your life: you may want to plan for activities like: meal planning, household chores, extracurricular activities for the children, etc.

As per a new routine: Consider adjustments like waking up earlier or sleeping later during some week days.

With regards to new rituals: Consider creating more space for meditation to maintain a healthy mental state and a weekly review of your schedule to optimize performance.


This is the time to intentionally activate your organizing abilities and hone your resource allocation skills. To maintain your wellbeing and optimize your performance in these times, you must allocate your resources effectively across your Life Components.

Your Life Components include:

Health (Body)

Work (Profession)

Finance (Money)

Mindset (Mind)

Lifestyle (Leisure)

Relationship (Family)

I created the Life Harmony concept as an upgrade to the work-life balance concept. This concept is designed to help you improve your overall performance by sustainably allocating your resources across all areas of life.

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Your resources which include: time, attention, energy, money and space, should be effectively allocated, imperatively. Any resource mismanagement or waste will result in poor outcomes.

For example: Clutter in your physical environment right now, will affect the allocation of your space resource among your household members and negatively impact your wellbeing and performance.


If you’re a parent like me, you may now have additional bosses to report to, while at work. There’re many questions from my children, yet unanswered. I appreciate that they’re making this huge adjustment, so I’m doing my best to be here for them and also be accessible to other stakeholders. Despite the social distancing, please uphold human interaction. Heighten communication and connection via any alternative means to ensure this transition is easy on all the stakeholders in your life. Check in with your family members, team members, customers, community members, etc. as efficiently as possible during this period.

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With these tips, you can go beyond surviving the crisis to thriving in it, while enhancing your effectiveness and leadership skills.

If you need my support for yourself and members of your team, learn more about my productivity consulting and coaching services at www.jessylscharm.com/lhcoaching 

I’m wishing you all safety, peace, good health and overall wellbeing in these challenging times.

To Organizing, Productivity and Success.


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