“I absolutely think that the Productivity Essentials For Business Growth Workshop can help business owners cut cost, eliminate overwhelm and achieve more results. The Workshop Instructor, Jesmine has well mapped out strategies based on real-life experiences with herself and her clients, was well spoken and very truthful when explaining concepts and strategies. Being relatable to your audience is a valuable teaching tool. I would recommend The Organizing Academy to business owners because having an organizational strategy in place is a valuable tool for any entrepreneur.”

“As a business owner and team leader, the productivity workshop was in direct alignment with my needs. The time spent was extremely productive and actionable. The key insights and practices discussed have been implemented to support and strengthen our group’s mission and daily workflow. Sincere appreciation to The Organizing Academy.”

“It was a real pleasure attending The Productivity Essentials for Business Growth Workshop. The presenter taught innovative and implementable organizing strategies. After many years of performing several positions in management, I have no doubt that this is a pending subject leading many good start-ups to crash. I consider myself highly aware of the relevance of such hence I do my best to keep up the pace with processes’ effectiveness. Nonetheless, I realize now that I have been holding back because of the lack of a structured custom-fit organizational system.”

“As a business owner, The Productivity Workshop by The Organizing Academy had many valuable “take-aways” that I will be implementing. It was also great to see that I’m on the right track! And I appreciated that everyone was able to give feedback and comments as the workshop progressed. The workshop presenter made the participants feel welcome and engaged.”

“I consider myself a productive person but the workshop helped me realize how I was using control in my productivity and getting stuck in “my way” which was blocking me from being open to all forms of Organization. I am so thankful that I was able to take part in the workshop. Being there helped me realize the healing I needed around productivity and organization.”

“It was a great workshop and was very timely and needed for me. The presentation style was so comfortable and informative. The workshop presenter was amazing.”

“The Organizing Academy is a great place for improving your skills, the YAP program (Youth Ambassador Program) has especially taught me the importance of knowing what my vision statement, mission statement, and values are as an individual. Before attending the YAP clarity session my thoughts about what I wanted to achieve in my life were all over the place. I had so many ideas, yet none of them was making sense to me. Thanks to the clarity session and TOA, I now have a clear understanding of my purpose in life. I can promise you that the sessions will be informative, interactive and very practical. I would recommend this program to other young people because I believe every young person deserves to know their purpose and right now as our young minds are all over the place with different things we want to do. I believe YAP will definitely help our youths organize those thoughts and realize their purpose.”

“I attended the YAP clarity session organized by The Organizing Academy. It was very informative and loaded with organizing resources. At the end of the session, I had a better understanding of my personality type and it’s associated strength and weaknesses. I also learnt how to draft a life’s mission and vision statement and why it’s important for anyone who wants to live a purposeful and impactful life to have this, this has helped me with prioritizing my goals and be more organized as am constantly checking to make sure my goals are in alignment with my life’s mission and vision statement. I will recommend the YAP session for young people out there who desire clarity in their journey to discovering themselves..”

“I attended the first YAP Clarity Session in December 2017, and I benefited greatly from it. We ran through exercises that helped us work through our goals and personality types, and the kinds of habits that could help us develop, personality-wise, and by extension, in our professional lives. As a young professional, I have come to learn that the workplace comprises many personality types, and to thrive in my career, I have had to pay attention to how my personality type either complements or clashes with other personalities. Armed with this knowledge, I can prepare to address any issues that may arise while interacting with people with different personalities from mine. All thanks to the YAP Clarity Session by The organizing Academy I attended in December 2017.”
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