Ever wondered why some business have a more lasting and impactful footprint than others? 96% of businesses fail in the first ten years, according to INC.com. With the highly competitive business landscape, entrepreneur burnout and business failure continue to rise. As a passionate CEO and visionary business leader, you need 3 things:


  • Proven, innovative and effective strategies for enhancing your well-being and performance.
  • Tools and support to manage the new and numerous demands, changes and challenges of leadership.
  • The psychology and techniques for ensuring business stability, sustainability and long-term relevance.


Great news is we have all the answers for you. If you’re a business owner, leader and team looking to quickly elevate your outcomes or immediately course correct from past mistakes, there are 3 critical qualities needed right away:

Adopting and improving these 3 qualities below are the tested and proven ways to meet the 3 needs above:


  1. Thriving Humans

Your business must enhance the experience and promote the advancement of those who engage with it.  Are the humans in your business (you and your team) highly self aware? Do you understand your purpose and potentials? Do you have a true and powerful sense of personal identity and life principles? Are you building your courage, confidence and capacity? Are you equipped to manage your priorities, plans and problems effectively? It’s your business’s responsibility to ensure that the living organisms who bring their human value to the workplace, are nurtured and nourished. Issues like stress, worry, anxiety, fear, overwhelm and burnout will deprive you and your people of your great potentials. You must all be equipped to develop resilience in order to be successfully adaptable to the changes and challenges of life and business. If your internal humans are thriving, they’ll be more enabled to serve your external people.

To cut the long story short, it’s time to act and start elevating the flourishing of your people. Start with our basic The Harmnious Life program to improve your self-awareness, self-meaning and self-mastery. Click the photo for more.


  1. Sustainable Leadership:

Your business must be run by leaders who are constantly improving and elevating their competence, consciousness, character, clarity and creativity etc.

Nothing kills a great business like a rigid, negligent, unsound, or disorganized leadership. Are you and your leaders, reinventing yourselves, re-engineering your identity and reimagining your future? How are you improving your commitments so you can have time for your health, personal growth, family and all-round wellbeing? Are you effectively engaging with and building other leaders across all hierarchies?

Don’t be carried away by the trappings of business status and success and start ensuring your leaders are well grounded and flourishing in their capacities. If you’re ready to fortify your leadership abilities, take ACTION by exploring The Harmonious Leader program. We advice that you start with the first program above, in order to maximize the benefits of this one. Check it out via this image.



  1. Impactful Business:

Your business must be innovative, futuristic, evolutionary and enabling. Is your business thinking ahead of everyone, in order to understand the more advanced and effective ways for tackling the problem you’re here to solve? Are you people-centric and constantly adapting your approaches, in order to meet your customer needs in the best ways possible? Are you a high trust and authentic business that consistently adds value and over delivers on their promise? Does your business have the 3-Dimensional abilities, resources and strategies, required to serve sustainably? Do you have the vision of our rapidly evolving world and a management that’s always willing to accept change? Are you building for the new economy and the future of business? While the average businesses are groping in the dark, are you to ready to ensure a sustainable and successful business? Remember that what got you here won’t get you to the next phase. Don’t build for yesterday. Build for tomorrow. Our Harmonious Business Course and Coaching programs are highly recommended to help you build a more sustainable and successful business. You can view via the image.



We developed the world’s 1st Sustainable and Peak Performance Frameworks. Our harmonious programs are based on unconentional knowledge that you can’t learn from the books anywhere else. If you’re committed to learning, developing, growing and staying relevant now, while creating the future that’s far better than your past or present, we’re here for you. Our clients are typically impact-driven and visionary leaders who want to create BIGGER and BETTER impact for themselves and the world.


This year, we’ve committed to taking more ACTIONS and doing less planning and talking. How about you? If you want to start ACTING now, begin with our highly recommended, innovative and science backed programs bringing transformational experiences to leaders and teams around the world.


All the programs linked above can be purchased in a discounted buddle. Click on the image to get it now.



If you want our programs for your team and organization, please contact Jesmine Onyeukwu for our enterprise packages via email jesmine@jessylscharm.com or fill out our request form here.

With us, you’re guaranteed an improved personal effectiveness, a thriving leadership and a high performing organization.


To A Harmonious Life, Leadership and Business,


Jesmine Onyeukwu

Lead Consultant @ The Organizing Academy