Dear, Business Owner. The world needs you and your business needs you more.
In 2011 when I started my business, I was an excited founder and passionate entrepreneur who really had no idea of the toll a business can take on its owner. I was totally clueless about the fact that a business can drastically impact the health, family life, social life, finances and mindset of a business owner.
3 years into running my business, I was feeling pretty ‘darn’ overwhelmed. Fatigue and confusion set in, I was losing money, my time, my energy and my mind. My relationship with my husband was getting the hit, my little son wasn’t left out of the impact of the mess my little business was serving me daily.
The excitement of owning my time, creating the life I wanted, calling the shots while doing what I absolutely love soon waned and I began asking myself “Who sent me?” My Nigerian folks would understand that phrase perfectly. The entrepreneurial journey didn’t feel as glamorous as I thought it would until I made a conscious effort to create simple strategies, structures and systems around my business and my life.
Even though I was an Organizing Professional who thought she was rather productive, I had to unlearn some of the things I knew about productivity and learn new and effective strategies for boosting productivity. I’ve been educating myself about innovative productivity strategies intensively since 2015 and I can categorically tell you that it has made all the difference in my life and business.
Though my small business is still growing, my mindset has evolved exponentially, my health has improved and my relationships have benefited from my understanding and application of simple but highly effective productivity strategies to my everyday life as a business owner. I’m not sabotaging the other things that matter to me for my passion anymore.
In the past 3 years, I’ve coached a number of business owners who faced similar situations of confusions, chaos, and stress as my self when I first started out and the same principles I applied and still apply is working for them. One of the principles I had to learn was the use of mental models in my daily decision making as an entrepreneur. Do you know that as a business owner, you need a higher degree of consciousness?
I learned that MINDSET MATTERS in business. I learned the hard way so you don’t have to.
Most business owners think they’re being productive until harsh reality hits and they realize after several years that the business is costing them more than it’s earning them. This is because most of us are still holding on to productivity myths that need to be busted. For example, the myth that hard work pays needs to be addressed. Intentional and smart work pays better! There are about 9 productivity myths that need to be gotten rid of by entrepreneurs in the 21st-century business landscape.
At the Productivity Essentials for Business Growth (PE4BG) Workshop, we’ll be exposing business owners to:
- Productivity Myths That Kill Businesses
This lesson helps us understand the common misconceptions or “myths” about the way we act, operate and respond to productivity. These myths kill our effectiveness and hinder productivity both in personal and work life. We will be exploring these misconceptions with real-life applications to further emphasize how these misconceptions are limiting and the ways to correct them.
- Productivity Principles for Business Acceleration
I hope you’ll agree with me when I say that successful business owners are highly productive people and that they do almost everything differently from average people. Come learn the secrets for saving more time, cutting costs, boosting productivity and building a sustainable business.
- Behavioral Patterns That Boost Productivity
There are tons of productivity systems and tools out there for managing your business tasks, processes and people such as Trello, Asana, etc. Those are important but more importantly and at the core of it all, are the right behavioral patterns that will guide you on your journey to boosting your productivity and enhancing your overall quality of life as a business owner. In addition to a boost in your business, you’ll also enjoy a daily effective lifestyle, with these behaviors.
At the PE4BG Workshop, we’ll be learning about the 7 behavioral patterns every business owner such know about that seriously impact productivity. The stuff they won’t teach us in business school.
3 of such behaviors are:
Mental Agility
If you’re a business owner in Ottawa, I hope to see you live at the PE4BG Workshop on Friday the 26th of October, 2018.
To Productivity and Success!
Your Organizing and Productivity Buddy,
Good day! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be ok. I’m undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.
Thank you for the great feedback. Yes, you can find us on twitter @TheOrgAcademy. Looking forward to your connection.